Video: Amazon billionaire founder Jeff Bezos and his brother to fly to space next month


Jeff Bezos wins the billionaire space race: Amazon founder announces that he and his brother will fly to the edge of space next MONTH on a Blue Origin spacecraft, beating rivals Richard Branson and Elon Musk to the punch

  • Jeff Bezos and his brother Mark will fly on the Blue Origin New Shepard spacecraft on July 20 with four others
  • Blue Origin is offering one seat to the public through an online bid expected to raise over $2 million at auction
  • The six passengers will spend at least 10 minutes floating in zero gravity in space before return back to Earth
  • Virgin Galactic founder Sir Richard Branson is expected to launch for space later this year on a test flight
  • While Elon Musk’s SpaceX has already sent astronauts to the ISS and is sending a civilian crew into orbit, Musk has said he would like to go into space and eventually ‘die on Mars’ but not when it would happen