Pitru Paksha 2022: Important Dates and Timing, Do’s and Don’ts during Shraddh Paksha


Pitru Paksha 2022: Do’s and Don’ts during Shraddh Paksha

Pitru Paksha 2022: Purnima (full moon) day has great religious significance in Hindu religion. Bhadrapada Purnima is considered more auspicious because Pitru Paksha starts today, 10/2022. Pitru Paksha is a sacred event in Hindu culture where people remember their ancestors. Shraddha Paksha will end on September 25, 2022. Pitru Paksha 2022:

पितृ पक्ष में श्राद्ध की तिथियां-

  • पूर्णिमा श्राद्ध – 10 सितंबर 2022-  
  • प्रतिपदा श्राद्ध – 10 सितंबर 2022
  • द्वितीया श्राद्ध – 11 सितंबर 2022
  • तृतीया श्राद्ध – 12 सितंबर 2022
  • चतुर्थी श्राद्ध – 13 सितंबर 2022
  • पंचमी श्राद्ध – 14 सितंबर 2022
  • षष्ठी श्राद्ध – 15 सितंबर 2022
  • सप्तमी श्राद्ध – 16 सितंबर 2022
  • अष्टमी श्राद्ध- 18 सितंबर 2022
  • नवमी श्राद्ध – 19 सितंबर 2022  
  • दशमी श्राद्ध – 20  सितंबर  2022
  • एकादशी श्राद्ध – 21 सितंबर 2022
  • द्वादशी श्राद्ध- 22 सितंबर 2022
  • त्रयोदशी श्राद्ध – 23 सितंबर 2022
  • चतुर्दशी श्राद्ध- 24 सितंबर 2022
  • अमावस्या श्राद्ध- 25 सितंबर 2022

Significance According to astronomical calculations, this month begins in Silent Purvath Bhad and Pitru Purrapda Na Purvath Bhadi which formed a particular day.

Pitru Paksha is a 16-day period when people pray for their ancestors. People get an opportunity during this Pitru Paksha period to honor their forefathers and ancestors by offering them food, clothes and their favorite things.

People offer clothes with food to the Brahmins in the name of their ancestors. These days are considered very auspicious for the performance of Pitru Tarpan, Pind Daana and Shraddha.

It is believed that during these days the Pitru (ancestors) visit the earth to accept whatever their families offer them and shower their blessings on their family members. According to the Garuda Purana, when humans die, the soul leaves the body and remains alive until the end of the universe. The soul never dies and remains in pain for many reasons like sorrow and hunger, so in these 16 days of Pitru Paksha, the soul gets food, clothes and is satisfied.

This is the Hindu tradition and culture of providing everything to one’s ancestors and making them happy. This ritual cannot be performed directly, so they offer food to Brahmins or priests and perform Shraddh. People can visit the most important places where special puja is performed for the ancestors.

One of the main and best places to visit these days is Gaya where thousands of people visit during Shraddh Paksha and other places are Ujjain, Nasik, Haridwar and Varanasi. People who do not perform these activities during Shraddh Paksha are believed to be cursed by their Pitra or ancestors and this creates Pitra Dosh in the family.

Do during Pitru Paksha

1. Perform shraddh by offering food and clothes to Brahmins every day.

2. Offers prayers by performing Pitru Tarpana through a qualified priest or Brahmin.

3. Feed these animals – cows, crows and dogs.

4. Offer only satvik food to everyone.

5. Those having pitra dosh must perform pind daan on these days so that the ancestors can be pleased and get peace.

Don’ts during Pitru Paksha

1. Do not consume alcohol and non-vegetarian food during these days.

2. Don’t buy anything for yourself like – clothes, shoes or anything new.

3. During these days one must avoid any auspicious activity.

4. It is considered inauspicious to buy a new house and a new vehicle.

5. These activities are prohibited during Pitru Paksha – cutting of hair, nails and shaving.

6. Indulging in such auspicious activities like weddings, engagements etc. is not recommended.