How Last solar eclipse of 2021 on December 4 will effect the zodiac signs


How the solar eclipse of December 2021 will affect the zodiac signs


The last new moon of the 1638388912819 It could also be a solar eclipse that will happen in the sign of Sagittarius next Saturday, December 4. This lunar phase symbolizes the starting of a cycle, and when mixed with the power of the eclipse in the sign of the minotaur , means that there will be new and exciting beginnings that will change the perspective of the entire zodiac. 

If new opportunities all at once present themselves, this is because of the momentum of this heavenly event. Thus, astrologers ask to be brave and embrace the turns that life will give because they will be an journey with an positive point of view.  How will the energy of the December solar eclipse impact each zodiac sign? 


You will find new opportunities to learn skills and improve your wisdom on a topic. The expansion will be noticed in your interests and self belief level. 


The eclipse of Sun will make you set limits and protect your energy from self-insecurity. The need to discover new paths may rise up. 


Growth and alternatives in couple relationships. In your close to long term a more serious dedication is looming or a new individual will come to stay. 


The solar eclipse will be a source of inspiration to get out of your convenience zone and make bigger your horizons to new ways of doing things. 


There will be surprises on your way. Although it is a sign that does not like to be surprised, you will be positive mainly on the subject of love and creativity. 


Memories and emotions from the past could resurface this week. The eclipse is a good time to process those feelings. 


Your energy of manifestation will be at one of its highest points, so it is time to practice affirmations so that your wishes come true. 


You will find sudden opportunities to increase your source of revenue, gain some material goods or make some recommended deal with someone else.


It is a mystical opportunity that heralds the end of a chapter, but the starting of an attractive cycle. The turn that awaits you will be thrilling and full of adventures. 


The solar eclipse will bring out the mystical side of Capricorn. You will be surprisingly more religious, which you’ll be able to use to feed your soul. 


There might be drama in your group dynamics generated by some disagreements, on the other hand, you will find new tactics of operating and growth against your goals. 


Pisces work life continues in the highlight . More job alternatives will be on your way. The universe favors you, you will obtain reward and it will bring you closer to your inevitable future of success. 

surya grahan, solar eclipse 2021, surya grahan 2021 in india date and time

Surya Grahan (Sloar Eclipse) December 2021: साल का आखिरी सूर्य ग्रहण 4 दिसंबर को लगने जा रहा है. ये पूर्ण सूर्य ग्रहण होगा जो ऑस्ट्रेलिया, बोत्सवाना, मॉरीशस, दक्षिण अफ्रीका, दक्षिण जॉर्जिया, नामीबिया, मेडागास्कर और तस्मानिया में दिखाई देगा. पंचांग अनुसार ये ग्रहण मार्गशीर्ष मास की अमावस्या को वृश्चिक राशि और ज्येष्ठा नक्षत्र में लगने जा रहा है. ये ग्रहण भले ही भारत में नहीं दिखाई देगा लेकिन इसका प्रभाव सभी राशियों के लोगों पर पड़ेगा.