Mona Lisa Cake Video : Cake Thrown On Mona Lisa Painting in Lourve, Paris 


Mona Lisa Cake Video : Cake Thrown On Mona Lisa Painting in Lourve, Paris

VIDEO: Frenchman throws cake at Mona Lisa ‘for the planet’

Mona Lisa Cake Video : Cake Thrown On Mona Lisa Painting | Lourve Museum Paris | mona lisa news

Louvre: Man dressed as woman in wheelchair tries vandalising the Mona Lisa

Recordings taken by guests to the well known display show the outcome of the trick, in which a young fellow supposedly stood up from a wheelchair and spread cake and cream on the glass safeguarding Da Vinci’s painting, prior to tossing roses.

Being driven out by safety officers, the man can heard yell: “Contemplate the Earth. There are individuals who are annihilating the Earth . . . That is the reason I did this. Consider the planet.”

The work of art is safeguarded by a glass screen, so was intact. Later recordings show safety officers at the Louver clearing cream off the security screen.