Mysterious lights over ocean have people ‘freaking out’ in California city


A mysterious pattern of up to five orange lights over the ocean of San Diego left residents baffled, California photos and videos show. “We are totally … absolutely freaking out,” said one man in a video posted to Twitter. “We do not know what this is.

” The lights appeared in the sky about 9 p.m. Monday, June 27, KGTV reported. San Diego police told KNSD that lifeguards reported the lights were flares used in a military exercise.

But two nearby military bases told KFMB they did not know the origin of the lights. Others suggested they were drones practicing for an upcoming Imperial Beach fireworks show,

but police there said they also did not know what caused the lights. Observers described them as yellow-orange lights in a pattern. Some of the lights occasionally seemed to blink on and off.

The lights were seen glowing above the ocean just before 9 PM according to posts on twitter. The excitement began building up at around 8:20 PM when suddenly people started spotting hanging lights in the sky towards the west of this coastal Californian city. Among the pictures and videos posted online,

three lights are seen flashing in the night sky soon to be joined by several others. Social media users allegedly spotted the skylights over the Mission Beach and some other users from Paradise Hills area also reported the spotting the mysterious lights in night sky.

Several theories have been doing the rounds on Facebook where San Diegans are discussing the appearance of the lights and the possible reasons behind this incident. One of the comments read that these lights most likely were the drones practicing for the upcoming 4th July show.