Surya Grahan 2023: April 20 is the first solar eclipse of the year and is very important from an astrological point of view. During the eclipse, the Sun is in its exalted sign Aries, where Mercury and Rahu are also present. At the time of the eclipse, the Moon will also be in Aries and Ashwini Nakshatra. At the same time Sun is also in Ashwini Nakshatra. In addition, just two days after the eclipse, Mercury (Guru) will retrograde in Aries and will be conjunct the Sun, so this solar eclipse will have the greatest effect on Aries people. Therefore, people under the zodiac sign of Aries must be careful during the eclipse.

This solar eclipse will take place in the first place of your birth chart, which will affect the ‘self’ i.e. body and face. So this surya grahan will leave a great impact on your body. You will lack energy inside. To avoid the adverse conditions of this eclipse, offer water to the Sun God.

This solar eclipse takes place in the twelfth house of your birth chart and is related to luck and spending. Due to this solar eclipse, it will be difficult for you to rejoice and your expenses will increase. To avoid the adversity of this eclipse, open the windows and doors of your house after the eclipse so that the right amount of light enters the house.

This solar eclipse will take place in the eleventh house of your birth chart, which is related to your income and fulfillment of wishes. Therefore, this eclipse will affect your income and your desires. You may find it difficult to fulfill any of your wishes. Therefore, to avoid the adverse effects of solar eclipse, keep 5 radishes or 5 almonds on your pillow tonight and donate them to a temple or religious place the next day.

This solar eclipse will take place in your tenth house, which is related to your career and the success of your father’s career. You may face some difficulties while deciding your career. Therefore, to avoid the effects of this eclipse, wear a white cap or turban on your head.

This surya grahan will take place in your ninth position which is related to luck. Therefore, this eclipse will affect your luck, your happiness. During this time, your luck will not be able to fully support you. So you should donate jaggery in the temple to avoid any trouble

This solar eclipse will take place in your eighth house, which is related to your age. There may be some ups and downs in your health. So to avoid the adverse effects of this solar eclipse and ensure auspicious results, you should serve a black cow or an elder brother today.


This solar eclipse will take place in your seventh house, which is related to your life partner. There may be some differences with your partner today. Therefore, to avoid the adverse effects of this eclipse, a piece of bread should be sacrificed in the fire today before eating.

This solar eclipse will take place in your sixth house, which is related to health, enemies and friends. During this time, enemies may try to control you. Be careful and have your friends with you. To avoid the effects of this eclipse, you should feed your dog with bread.

This solar eclipse will take place in your fifth house which is related to knowledge, Guru, children, discretion and romance etc. Therefore this solar eclipse will affect all these conditions of yours. To avoid the adverse effects of the eclipse, you should give green fodder to the cow.

Surya Grahan will take place in your fourth house which is related to mother, land construction and vehicle. During this time, you may have to work a little harder to get support from your mother in some work. Therefore, to avoid the adverse effects of this eclipse, you should feed the needy.

This solar eclipse will take place in your third house related to siblings. So this eclipse will affect your relationship with your siblings. To avoid the adverse effects of this eclipse, you should cooperate in religious works.

This solar eclipse will take place in your second house of money. You will have to face some financial problems. Therefore, to avoid the ill effects of this eclipse, a coconut or some almonds should be donated to a temple or religious place.